Here is the problem statement. I want to confirm (in my Test method) that fileSystem.newWatchService()
is invoked within my target method. I am getting the default FileSystem
instance (using FileSystems.getDefault()
) in my target method. Anyone know how I can stub FileSystems.getDefault()
so that I can return my Mock FileSystem instance?
Here is my test method.
public final void FMS_Creates_A_New_FolderWatcher_From_FileSystem()
try {
// Arrange
FileSystem mockFileSystem = mock(FileSystem.class);
// Your solution will go here!!!
when(FileSystems.getDefault()).thenReturn(mockFileSystem); // this doesn't work!!
// Act
FMS _target = new FMS();;
// Assert
verify(mockFileSystem, times(1)).newWatchService();
} catch (IOException e) {
// There handled!!
Instead of mocking a static method -- which is usually a symptom of badly designed code -- pass in the FileSystem
through the FMS
constructor instead. This is part of the point of dependency injection.