Alright, what am I doing wrong here. I'm trying the simple example of embedded YAWs from but with an appmod. I've added the my_app.erl file and compiled it. It works if not in embedded YAWs so I think it is specific to embedded.
start() ->
{ok, spawn(?MODULE, run, [])}.
run() ->
Id = "embedded",
GconfList = [{ebin_dir, ["/Users/someuser/yawsembedded/ebin"]}],
Docroot = "/Users/someuser/yawstest",
SconfList = [{port, 8888},
{listen, {0,0,0,0}},
{docroot, Docroot},
{appmods, [{"/", my_app}]}
{ok, SCList, GC, ChildSpecs} =
yaws_api:embedded_start_conf(Docroot, SconfList, GconfList),
[supervisor:start_child(ybed_sup, Ch) || Ch <- ChildSpecs],
yaws_api:setconf(GC, SCList),
{ok, self()}.
Getting this Error:
ERROR erlang code threw an uncaught exception:
File: appmod:0
Class: error
Exception: undef
Req: {http_request,'GET',{abs_path,"/demo"},{1,1}}
Stack: [{my_app,out,
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0",
"gzip, deflate"},
The stack trace shows that your my_app:out/1
function is getting called, but you're getting an undef
exception. This is occurring because the runtime can't find the my_app:out/1
function, which means either it can't find the module or the module exists but does not export an out/1
function. For example, I was able to duplicate the error using the example code by not providing a my_app
First, make sure your my_app.erl
file exports an out/1
function. Here's a trivial one that just returns a 405 error for all requests:
out(_Arg) ->
{status, 405}.
Compile your my_app.erl
file and put the compiled my_app.beam
file either in a load path already known to the Erlang runtime, or in a directory you add to the load path. In your code it appears you're trying the latter approach, since you're specifically adding an ebin_dir
with this Yaws global configuration directive:
GconfList = [{ebin_dir, ["/Users/someuser/yawsembedded/ebin"]}],
You need to verify that the /Users/someuser/yawsembedded/ebin
directory exists, and that the compiled my_app.beam
file is located there.