I've been assigned a school assignment to make and check for a 'Magic Square' in a 2d array generated by the user in a N*N matrix.
So far, I have gotten most of the code right (I have tested each method individually). However, I am unable to correct two final errors that keep popping up within my 'sumColumn' and 'sumRow' methods. Here is my code for the two aforementioned methods:
public static int sumColumn(int[][] square, int columnNumber)
int sum = 0 ;
for (int j = 0; j < square.length ; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++)
sum = sum + square[i][j] ;
return sum ;
public static int sumRow(int[][] square, int rowNumber)
int sum = 0 ;
for (int i = 0; i < square.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < square.length; j++)
sum = sum + square[i][j] ;
return sum ;
And here is the output along with the error that appears upon calling from the main method:
Please enter a value for N:
Please enter 1 numbers:
This is the square you input:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
The method sumRow(int[][], int) in the type MagicSquares is not applicable for the arguments (int[][]) at squares.MagicSquares.validMagicSquare(MagicSquares.java:105)
The method sumColumn(int[][], int) in the type MagicSquares is not applicable for the arguments (int[][]) at squares.MagicSquares.main(MagicSquares.java:167)
Some fiddling with 'sumRow' and 'sumColumn' will instead yield another error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
rowNumber cannot be resolved to a variable at squares.MagicSquares.validMagicSquare(MagicSquares.java:105)
colNumber cannot be resolved to a variable at squares.MagicSquares.main(MagicSquares.java:167)
Any help would be much appreciated in resolving this issue! Thanks!
PS: I've only started programming last month, so be kind :3
Edit: here is the method which checks if each row, column and main and secondary diagonals are equal to make a Magic Square.
boolean status = true ;
int sum = sumDiagonal(square) ;
if (sumSecondaryDiagonal(square) != sum)
status = false ;
for (int row = 0; (row < square.length) && status; row ++)
if (sum != sumRow(square, square.length))
status = false ;
for (int col = 0; (col < square.length) && status; col ++)
if (sum != sumColumn(square, square.length))
status = false ;
return status;
Your sumColumn
method expects two arguments:
int[][] square
int columnNumber
In your main method, it seems you are just providing a single argument, the int[][]
, and you forgot to include the columnNumber as a second argument.
Same applies to the sumRow
I made the above findings based on the error message you posted:
The method sumRow(int[][], int) in the type MagicSquares is not applicable for the arguments (int[][]) at squares.MagicSquares.validMagicSquare(MagicSquares.java:105)
It says that, in your MagicSquares.java file, line number 105, you invoke sumRow
method. It further indicates that (The method sumRow(int[][], int) in the type MagicSquares)
, the method you implemented, can not be used/is not applicable for a call with arguments (int[][])
, at line 105.