I'm trying to create a parallax scrolling effect for an article. Here is my HTML: a main-wrap div containing an article and a footer. The article's height should always match that of the vertical space its children occupy.
<div class="main-wrap">
<div class="hero">
<div class="hero__content">
<!-- content here -->
<div class="content">
<!-- content here -->
<!-- content here -->
Now, with jQuery, I'm adding these parallax effects:
var scrollPos = $(this).scrollTop();
// parallax the hero text in fromt of the background image
'top' : (225-(scrollPos*.2)) + 'px'
// parallax the article-content in front of the hero
'top' : (0-(scrollPos*.5)) + 'px'
The parallax part is working fine. The problem is that the I need the height of the article to shrink. Otherwise, there is blank space at the bottom of the article.
I created a CodePen here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/XmrLxJ The article is given a red background color to show the extra spacing. I've tried giving the article element CSS height properties of "inherit" and "auto," but that's not working.
T.L. D.R. Change the line 'top' : (0-(scrollPos*.5)) + 'px'
for 'margin-top' : (0-(scrollPos*.5)) + 'px'
Your problem is that you are changing the position of the element with javascript and since it has a relative
position the element is moved from its original position but the original position is still acquainted when rendering the rest of the document.
To solve this you can animate a property which moves the element in the document instead of just moving where it is displayed.
I don't know if I made myself clear but you if you change the property being animated from top
to margin-top
it works.
But imho the animation of .article-content
is hardly noticeable. I removed it in you code pen and couldn't notice the difference.
Just as a foot note, I use this library for scroll effects and I have found it pretty useful and easy to use.