I need get DST(Daylight Saving Time) true or false to selected date and selected city
I have form with two input fields and one output
First input field: user input city (using google maps places autocomplete ) Second input field: calendar (using datepicker)
Output: user get in selected city and selected date is DST or not, example: London, 2015/06/22 - DST true or Berlin, 2015/11/11 - DST false
I try momentjs: moment([year, month, day]).isDST()
- not working (only for user location)
Thank you
The timezone moment.js plugin allows you to do it, as you can read in this answer. The problem is that you will need to know on which time-zone that city is located.
To get to know the time-zone for a location on the earth, you can use the Google Time Zone API. Now the problem is that you need to provide the specific Latitude/Longitude pair.
To do so, you can use Google Maps API.
It is not very straightforward though :)