How to run compiled files directly using Google Native Client (PNaCl)? It tried checking their documentation. It said that -
Native Client is a sandbox for running compiled C and C++ code in the browser efficiently and securely, independent of the user’s operating system.
But in their documentation, they only deal with sources of the application. Is there any way to run compiled code directly? I want to run files with .exe
and .deb
I'm not limiting the answer to Native Client. Any mechanism which can do that sort of work will work for me.
You can't run pre-compiled code within NaCl or PNaCl. You have to use the compilers provided by the SDK. There are three main reasons for this:
The above points require that you use the compilers provided by the SDK.
It is technically possible to run binaries built for other architectures or operating systems since the system is Turing-complete. That's what QEMU does, what Rosetta did, what Transmeta did, and what the Android Runtime for Chome (ARC) enables. This usually requires binary translation and emulation of all operating system calls. This is technically difficult to implement, and often has severe performance cost. I do not recommend exploring this option.