I´m developing currently a webapp with object detection using the js-objectdetect libary. Therefore I´m converting opencv HAAR-cascades to the needed js-objectdetect format with a python script.
My question is, if it´s possible to convert opencv LBP-cascades to the js-objectdetect format too. I need this, because I already have an opencv application in use and I need to use the same LBP-cascades.
I don´t find anything on Javascript object-/ face detection with LBP-cascades on the internet. Does anybody know a way to use these cascades with js-objectdetect or some other libary?
Thanks in advance!
Local binary patterns and HAAR features are very different from each other. js-objectdetect is highly optimized for fast HAAR cascade evaluation based on integral images and cannot handle LBP cascades.
However, it seems there are javascript solutions for LBP object detection available, a quick google search pointed me to https://github.com/LukaszKrawczyk/LBP