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Remove text after last Backslah

I have a bunch of file paths that look like this:


I'm looking for a way in Excel to trim off everything after the last backslash \.

I've tried =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1) but all I get back is two numbers.

The expected outcome I'm looking for is: e:\Datasheet\Docs\images\1.2.840\


  • Assuming that you only want to go four folders "deep" this will work (place in B1):


    edit: Try this one too, it should work for everything else (no matter how many folders):

    =LEFT(A1, FIND(CHAR(1), SUBSTITUTE(A1, "\", CHAR(1), LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "\", ""))))-1)

    (Thanks to @Jerry) for that one.