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Wicket: Can I create the markup before initializing the java component?

html file which looks like this:

    <form wicket:id="adminUIForm">
        <table wicket:id="datatable" class="datatable"></table>
        <div wicket:id="institutTablePanel"></div>

But in my Java Code I only want to instantiate the component institutTablePanel, when a row in the datatable is clicked, because the constructor looks like this:

target.add(new InstitutTablePanel("institutLabelPabel", selectedContact));

And selectedContact cannot be empty. Is there a possibility of doing this without getting an error that it cannot find the component in my JavaCode?

Edit: This might be helpful

protected Item<Kontakt> newRowItem(final String id, final int index,
    final IModel<Kontakt> model) {
        Item<Kontakt> rowItem = new Item<Kontakt>(id, index, model);
        rowItem.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onclick") {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
             selectedKontakt = model.getObject();
             target.add(new InstitutTablePanel("institutTablePanel", selectedKontakt));
    return rowItem;


  • Create an empty WebMarkupContainer that is a blank div and add it to your page/parent component. Next, onClick, use addOrReplace and replace the the WebMarkupContainer with the InstitutTablePanel. Both the WebMarkupContainer and the InstitutTablePanel should have the same wicket:id