I'm trying to figure out how to create uberwar from Clojure Ring and Compojure application in Eclipse Mars with Counterclockwise on Windows.
I'm following this tutorial, and I'm basically doing this:
lein new compojure-app gae-app-demo
as per tutoriallein ring uberwar
I've checked several other tutorials and I didn't find anybody having problems with creating uberwar. Where can I start debugging this, am I doing something wrong? This is one of the basic things one needs to do with every Ring/Compjure application, so it should be something simple I'm missing I hope.
When you do step 1, you create a generic project, with CCW using leiningen in the background. With step 2, you create another project inside, using the lein new
command. I don't think this is what you want.
Since you want it all from Eclipse/CCW, the first thing is to get the latest version (0.34.0 as I write) and install it (instructions: http://doc.ccw-ide.org/documentation.html#install-as-standalone-product).
Use the wizard to create your project, but change the text default
in the Leiningen template
field with compojure-app
. Wait a few secs after hitting enter, as leiningen will download your deps.
Open project.clj
. Right-click for the menu and select Leiningen | Generic Leiningen Command Line
(or Alt+L then L), to open the lein prompt.
Type uberjar
(this replaces <task>
at the prompt) then hit enter. Wait a few secs and watch the status of the jar being built in the console tab.
Hope this helps.