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Retrieving calls history from Windows 10 app - Access denied error

I'm trying to collect the Windows Mobile 10 calls history by using the latest API. I have enabled all possible capabilities for my application, but still I'm getting "Access Denied" error while running this code:

var operation = PhoneCallHistoryManager.RequestStoreAsync(PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType.AppEntriesReadWrite);
operation.Completed = (o, ev) =>
    PhoneCallHistoryStore store = o.GetResults();
    PhoneCallHistoryEntryReader reader = store.GetEntryReader();

    var operation2 = reader.ReadBatchAsync();
    operation2.Completed = (o2, ev2) =>
        IReadOnlyList<PhoneCallHistoryEntry> callsList = o2.GetResults();
        foreach (PhoneCallHistoryEntry entry in callsList)
            // process calls here

I'm getting the following error message while doing line 4:

An exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in App1.exe but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

I'm running this code on Mobile Emulator in Visual Studio 2015. This is what I used for that code:

Any idea what can be wrong?


  • In order to make above code working and view phone call history, need to add the following things:

    1) Rescap namespace


    2) Restricted capability "phoneCallHistory"

    <rescap:Capability Name="phoneCallHistory"/>

    3) Change PhoneCallHistoryAccessType to AllEntriesLimitedReadAndWrite.

    var operation = PhoneCallHistoryManager.RequestStoreAsync(PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType.AllEntriesLimitedReadWrite);

    Thanks to @RaymondChen for giving me the proper capability name.