I have managed to use Strophe MAM to get the archived messages into the RAWInput, and display the last message(but only the last one). How do i display all the messages from the RAWInput?? But not just the last one?
And how do i extract who the message is from?
I have limited the messages to the last 5.
connection.mam.query("test3@macbook-pro.local", {
"with": "test4@macbook-pro.local","before": '',"max":"5",
onMessage: function(message) {
console.log( $(message).text());
onComplete: function(response) {
console.log("Got all the messages");
You can get all the messages using the `strophe.mam.js plugin
Here is my working code:
// Retrives the messages between two particular users.
var archive = [];
var q = {
onMessage: function(message) {
try {
var id = message.querySelector('result').getAttribute('id');
var fwd = message.querySelector('forwarded');
var d = fwd.querySelector('delay').getAttribute('stamp');
var msg = fwd.querySelector('message');
var msg_data = {
with: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(msg.getAttribute('to')),
timestamp: (new Date(d)),
timestamp_orig: d,
from: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(msg.getAttribute('from')),
to: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(msg.getAttribute('to')),
type: msg.getAttribute('type'),
body: msg.getAttribute('body'),
message: Strophe.getText(msg.getElementsByTagName('body')[0])
archive.val(archive.val() + msg_data.from + ":" + msg_data.message + "\n" + msg_data.to + ":" + msg_data.message + "\n");
archive.scrollTop(archive[0].scrollHeight - archive.height());
} catch(err){
if(typeof(err) == 'TypeError'){
try {
} catch(err2){
return true;
onComplete: function(response) {
console.log('xmpp.history.end',{query:q, response:response});
archive = $("#archive-messages");
$("#to-jid").change(function() {
var to = {"with": $(this).val()};
$.extend(q, to, before, max);
// It takes around 800ms to auto login. So after this timeout we have to retrieve the messages of particular User.
connection.mam.query(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(connection.jid), q);
}, 1000);