I have created an API using io.js
and koa.js
As a body parser middleware I am using koa-body
, which in turn uses co-body
On one of my API endpoints I am receiving POST
requests, and I need access to the raw body of the request, because I need to encode it to verify if the request is valid.
Is there any way to access the raw body of the request? I tried to use the raw-body
middleware, but if I use it before I call koa-body
, the co-body
used in koa-body
breaks. If I use it after koa-body
it does not work.
let rawRequestBody = yield rawBody(this.req);
this.rawRequestBody = rawRequestBody;
yield next;
I think that I found a workaround, but I don't know if this is the best solution. I think that @greim answer may be a better solution to this problem.
I added the following code before I use koa-body
app.use(function *(next) {
let url = this.req.url;
if(this.req.method == 'POST') {
let that = this;
this.req.rawBody = '';
this.req.on('data', function(chunk) {
that.req.rawBody += chunk;
yield next;
It only makes sense to capture the stream once.
You can capture the request body as a string or buffer (I assume this is what you mean by "raw" body) using the raw-body
utility, and then keep a reference to it as shown in your own code, such that:
let rawRequestBody = yield rawBody(this.req);
this.rawRequestBody = rawRequestBody;
console.log(typeof this.rawRequestBody); // "string"
Once you do that, don't also use koa-body
or co-body
, since those are also stream-capturing utilities which assume you haven't yet captured the stream. To make the request body accessible as JSON (for example) simply do this:
this.jsonRequestBody = JSON.parse(this.rawRequestBody);
console.log(typeof this.jsonRequestBody); // "object"