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Why hasn't the PriorityBlockingQueue queue to sort elements according to the priority

This my code ,the code run the end is not my excepted.

I think the PriorityBlockingQueue sorted by Priority but the end is not my expected,Who can told me why.

 public class TestPriorityQueue {  

    static Random r=new Random(47);  

    public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{  
        final PriorityBlockingQueue q=new PriorityBlockingQueue();  
        ExecutorService se=Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  
        //execute producer  
        se.execute(new Runnable(){  
            public void run() {  
                int i=0;  
                    q.put(new PriorityEntity(r.nextInt(10),i++));  
                    try {  
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block  

        //execute consumer  
        se.execute(new Runnable(){  
            public void run() {  
                    try {  
                        System.out.println("take== "+q.take()+" left:== ["+q.toString()+"]");  
                        try {  
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block  
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
        try {  
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block  


class PriorityEntity implements Comparable<PriorityEntity> {  
    private static int count=0;  
    private int id=count++;  
    private int priority;  
    private int index=0;  

    public PriorityEntity(int priority,int index) {  
        this.priority = priority;  

    public String toString(){  
        return id+"* [index="+index+" priority="+priority+"]";  

  public int compareTo(PriorityEntity o) {  
      return this.priority < o.priority ? 1  
              : this.priority > o.priority ? -1 : 0;  

The following are the results,I would be very grateful to you for your help

enter image description here


  • Some observations:

    1. in most cases the size of your queue was 1. Clearly, no sort order is relevant in any of those.
    2. In a few cases the queue size may have been two, and in no such case does the output insinuate that an element of lower priority was preferred. I stress the verb "insinuate" because...
    3. your code has no synchronized blocks so nothing prevents the following sequence of operations:

      q.take();     // consumer thread
      q.put();      // producer thread
      q.toString(); // consumer thread

      with the legitimate outcome of q.toString() showing an element of higher priority than was taken.