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Unmarshal a nested OPML Document

I am trying to unmarshal a simple nested opml document. The problem comes when I have nested opml and I am unable to decide on structure. I am putting the code below. Please let me know how can I parse the multi level of nesting of the Outline struct.

    package main

    import (

    var response = `<opml version='1.0'>
      <title>More Cases</title>
      <outline text='Testing' _note='indeterminate'>
       <outline text='Weekly' _status='indeterminate'>

    type Opml struct {
        XMLName xml.Name
        Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
        Head    Head   `xml:"head"`
        Body    Body   `xml:"body"`

    type Head struct {
        Title          string `xml:"title"`
        ExpansionState string `xml:"expansionState"`

    type Body struct {
        Outline Outline `xml:"outline"`
    type Outline struct {
        Text string `xml:"text,attr"`
        Note string `xml:"_note,attr"`

    func main() {

        fmt.Println("UnMrashal XML")
        opml := &Opml{}
        xml.Unmarshal([]byte(response), opml)


  • you need use pointer

    type Outline struct {
        Text string `xml:"text,attr"`
        Note string `xml:"_note,attr"`
        Outline *Outline `xml:"outline"`