Just wondering...
Which library sketchfab use to display the 3D models? For example: Link
HTML5 canvas of course. Looking in the code I can not understand if they use an external library or if they have written the code themselves.
Actually they seem to use a custom packed library for 3D embedding (on the example link posted)
the editor is this custom packed file
https://d2f25wgezub9nf.cloudfront.net/builds/editor-67a44f4ae306e7bd78a3.js and the viewer is this custom packed file
page source code:
<script type="text/javascript">
window['webpackManifest'] = JSON.parse('{
<script src="https://d2f25wgezub9nf.cloudfront.net/builds/commons-7433f95ed304266e4ba3.js"></script>
<script src="https://d2f25wgezub9nf.cloudfront.net/builds/embed-ad258a51926008151f3c.js"></script>
Moreover sketchfab uses its own 3D viewer (https://d2f25wgezub9nf.cloudfront.net/api/sketchfab-viewer-1.0.0.js) as seen in https://sketchfab.com/developers/viewer
According to wikipedia sketchfab uses its own 3D viewer library based on the OSG.JS JavaScript library
These should answer your question