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How to get the annotations of concepts (annotations on class IRIs) with OWLAPI?

In the pato.owl ontology on the website, some concepts has more than one Annotation. For example, concept PATO_0001051 has Label "acute angle to" and the definition: "An angle which is less than 90 degrees". How can I get through owlapi this Definition? Many thanks.

    <owl:Class rdf:about="">
       <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="">acute angle to</rdfs:label>
       <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
       <obo:IAO_0000115 rdf:datatype="">An angle which is less than 90 degrees.</obo:IAO_0000115>
       <oboInOwl:id rdf:datatype="">PATO:0001051</oboInOwl:id>
       <oboInOwl:hasOBONamespace rdf:datatype="">quality</oboInOwl:hasOBONamespace>
       <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>
       <oboInOwl:inSubset rdf:resource=""/>


  • Dear Artemis and Ignazio, thank you very much for your answers. Here is the answer:

        for(OWLClass owl_class : localOntology.getClassesInSignature(true)){
             for(OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom annotations:owl_class.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(localOntology))
                 if(annotations.getProperty().getIRI().getFragment()==null) {
                                System.out.println("definition: "+annotations.getValue());