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Unique IDs while using jQuery to append HTML Object

I have an HTML form where I append some HTML objects using jQuery to keep the code clean(ish).

<span id="object_1"></span><span id="anotherobject_1"></span>
<span id="object_2"></span><span id="anotherobject_2"></span>

(in total there is seven of these "object - anotherobject"-constructs)

I append a simple text input and a select box seven times:

for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
$("#object_" + i).append("\
<input style='display: inline; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 5px;  height: 15px; width:25px;' type='text'>");

$("#anotherobject_" + i).append("\
            <select style='display: inline; margin-left:  margin-top: -10px; width:45px;'>\
                    <option value='1'>1</option>\
                    <option value='2'>2</option>\
                    <option value='3'>3</option>\
                    <option value='4'>4</option>\
                    <option value='5'>5</option>\
                    <option value='6'>6</option>\
                    <option value='7'>7</option>\
                    <option value='8'>8</option>\


So now my problem is, if I gave the two objects an ID inside the javascript, I end up with seven objects having the same ID, that's a problem of course if I try to get access to their specific values... what can I do?

Thanks in advance :)


  • You can do as below:

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        $("#object_" + i).append("\
             <input id='txt_"+i+"' style='display: inline; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 5px;  height: 15px; width:25px;' type='text'>");
    $("#anotherobject_" + i).append("\
                <select id='select_"+i+"' style='display: inline; margin-left:  margin-top: -10px; width:45px;'>\ 
                        <option value='1'>1</option>\
                        <option value='2'>2</option>\
                        <option value='3'>3</option>\
                        <option value='4'>4</option>\
                        <option value='5'>5</option>\
                        <option value='6'>6</option>\
                        <option value='7'>7</option>\
                        <option value='8'>8</option>\

    Just use the i value you are referring to get each object and anotherobject

    You can simply do it as below using $.each too

        $(this).append("<input id='txt_"+key+"' style='display: inline; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 5px;  height: 15px; width:25px;' type='text'>");
              $(this).append("<select id='select_"+key+"' style='display: inline; margin-left:  margin-top: -10px; width:45px;'>\ 
                            <option value='1'>1</option>\
                            <option value='2'>2</option>\
                            <option value='3'>3</option>\
                            <option value='4'>4</option>\
                            <option value='5'>5</option>\
                            <option value='6'>6</option>\
                            <option value='7'>7</option>\
                            <option value='8'>8</option>\

    span[id^='anotherobject_'] will select all the spans whose id begins with anotherobject_ and same goes for span with id that starts with object_