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Google Code Prettify - How to fix SQL escape character

I'm trying to fix the following issue, as it's being very annoying on my site.

and refers to the following file of the prettify code:

The issue is that

  1. When in SQL creating a string that ends with a "\", the highlighter thinks it is escaped, while this is not T-SQL syntax.
  2. To reproduce, use this code as source code: (with Google Code Prettify installed)

    <pre class="prettyprint lang-sql">
     SELECT @BUPath = 'c:\backups\' + @DBName + '-B4 CHANGE.bak'
     SELECT @BUName = @DBName + '-B4 CHANGE'

I would expect the code to understand that the slash before the quote in the part 'c:\backups\' is not an escaping character...

I am expecting that this line would need to be changed, but I am not sure how:

[PR['PR_STRING'],      /^(?:"(?:[^\"\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^\'\\]|\\.)*')/, null,

fiddle showing the issue:


  • I think the PR_STRING definition at must have been copied from some other language where backslash is an escape character.


    does it as far as I can tell, but being a mere database guy I could be missing something.

    (Sorry to be late to the party with this, but I just hit the same issue and found this thread.)