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jawampa maximum websockt frame size?

Is there a maximum size for the arguments when publishing an event?

I use this code (java): wampClient.publish(token, response.toString());

response.toString() is a long json-string in my case. It has about 70.000 characters. I have the suspicion that the event does not get published, because when I replace response.toString() with a short string, the event gets published as expected.

I dont know much about the internals of Wamp and an initial debugging session into the code did not provide me with much insight. As I said above, I think that the long string is causing some problems.

Minimal running example: To get a minimum running example, please download the example java project from here: and import it into your IDE.

In the demo folder there are two .java-files: and Run/Start both of them and a GUI should appear for each. Then do the following procedure (C = Client, S = Server):

C: hit start
S: hit start
C: hit publish

depending on the size of the message you will see different output on the console of your IDE. the size of the message can be changed in line 137 of via the size integer variable. As already explained above: If size is lower than 70000 (e.g. 60000) everything works as expected. The console output of is then as follows:

Open Client
Session1 status changed to Connecting
Session1 status changed to Connected
Received event test.event with value 10000

However, if the integer variable size is changed to 70000 (or higher) the output is as follows:

Open Client
Session1 status changed to Connecting
Session1 status changed to Connected
Completed event test.event
Session1 status changed to Disconnected
Session1 status changed to Connecting
Session1 status changed to Connected

As you can see the Received event ... is missing, hence, the event is not received. However, there is Completed event test.event, but the data is missing obviously.

To sum up, one can see when running the example above that the event is not received properly when the size of the transmitted string is greater than 70000. This problem may be related to netty since it is used under the hood of jawampa. Any help is appreciated. Maybe it's just some small configuration which can fix this problem.

EDIT 1: I updated the question with a minimal running example which can be downloaded.

EDIT 2: I think I now know the root of the problem (totally not sure though, see EDIT3). It is related to the allowed size of a string literal in java. See: Size of Initialisation string in java In the above example, I can reflect that. If the size variable is lower than 65535 characters, it works, else it doesnt. Is there a workaround for this?

EDIT 3 aka SOLUTION: As suggested by the developer (see here), the variable DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_LENGTH in should be changed to a higher value. then everything works like a charm.


  • As suggested by the developer (see here), the variable DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_LENGTH can be overwritten through the NettyWampConnectionConfig class, which you can provide to the NettyWampClientConnectorProvider class. The variable value should, obviously, be increased.