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Removing user from MUC member list

Is there a way a user can remove himself from a XMPP Multi-User Chat member list without being necessarily an owner or admin (i.e., change his affiliation from member to none)?


  • From the XEP 045 about MUC (section 5.2.2) clearly states that affiliation changes from member to none requires an Admin or an Owner to change the affiliation, this is the third section in the table: (for clarification, the table states an affiliation change, i.e. Member -> to -> none)

    Table 7: Affiliation State Chart

    Member | Admin or owner changes affiliation to "none"

    So sorry but the answer is no, if you're looking for a way to do it that will be unnoticeable to the user - you might need another layer, or a web service that works as admin and make these changes in the background.

    Hope this helps.