I am trying to read a PNG image file from disk, draw some rectangles on it and save the modified image on the disk. Here's the scala code:
//l is a list of Rectangle objects of the form (x1,x2,y1,y2)
val image = ImageIO.read(sourceimage);
val graph=image.createGraphics()
l.foreach(x=>graph.draw(new java.awt.Rectangle(x.x1,x.y1,x.x2-x.x1,x.y2-x.y1)))
ImageIO.write(image,"png",new File(destimage))
The rectangles are drawn but in GREY
color instead of GREEN
. What am I doing wrong?
If the source image is a gray scale image, then it's unlikely that it will be capable of using any color of any sort.
Instead, you need to create a second, colored, BufferedImage
and paint the original to it.
BufferedImage original = ImageIO.read(sourceimage);
BufferedImage iamge = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2d = image.createGraphics();
g2d.drawImage(original, 0, 0, null);
// Continue with what you have
Sorry, I have no experience with PIL, but that's how you'd do it (basically) in pure Java