I set up a function to ask users a range of numbers, and gave them back a random number. The first try is okay.
// function settings
function getRandom(lower, upper) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(upper-lower+1))+lower;
// ask users to give a range of numbers
var lowerNum = parseInt(prompt("lower number?"));
var upperNum = parseInt(prompt("upper number?"));
document.write(getRandom(lowerNum, upperNum));
inside the function, so that it would be more clear and semantic.
// function settings
function getRandom(lower, upper) {
lower = parseInt(lower);
upper = parseInt(upper);
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(upper-lower+1))+lower;
// ask users to give a range of numbers
var lowerNum = prompt("lower number?");
var upperNum = prompt("upper number?");
document.write(getRandom(lowerNum, upperNum));
Both blocks of codes can do well and get the same results. But which one is the better practice, or even performance when running the program?
Use whatever is more readable for you, yet if you're trying to squeeze that extra bit of performance, try cleaning elsewhere, like dropping those two temporary variables, using bitwise-flooring, etc... (looks ugly, yes):
function getRandom(lower, upper) {
return (Math.random()*(upper-lower+1) | 0) + lower;
alert(getRandom(parseInt(prompt("lower number?"), 10), parseInt(prompt("upper number?"), 10)));
You'll see your two cases are usually close to each other, my approach is slightly faster, and you go turbo when you don't parse integers.