This is my index.html
<form ng-controller = "emailViewController">
<tags-input placeholder="To" ng-model="select" typeahead="toPerson for toPerson in to | filter:$viewValue" style="width:95%;">
<br />
<input type="text" placeholder="Subject" style="width:95%;"><br />
<textarea style="width:95%;" rows="10"></textarea>
(function() {
'use strict';
var emailViewController = function (fetchDataService,$scope,$filter) {
var url = 'app/mock/emails.json';
$scope.emails =;
$ = [];
angular.forEach($scope.emails, function(key, value) {
.controller ('emailViewController',
['fetchDataService', '$scope','$filter', emailViewController]);
was working fine until I removed the input
tag (on which it was an attribute) and added the tags-input
directive. So, I had <input placeholder="To" ng-model="select" typeahead="toPerson for toPerson in to | filter:$viewValue" style="width:95%;">
earlier. Now, I have <tags-input placeholder="To" ng-model="select" typeahead="toPerson for toPerson in to | filter:$viewValue" style="width:95%;">
and it does not work.
I think this happened because typeahead
only works on input tags
. Does anyone have ideas on how to make typeahead
work with ngTagsInput
Just to avoid any confusion, I want to make it clear that, I know how to use autocomplete
with ngTagsInput
. My question is specifically targeting problems I am facing using typeahead
with ngTagsInput
Here is a plunker:
I solved the problem using angular-tags
instead of ngTagsInput
. ngTagsInput
does not work with typeahead
. The best answer that was chosen provides a good explanation of why this is the case. Here is the Plunker with the solution to this issue using angular-tags
ngTagsInput will not work with ui.bootstrap.typeahead because it generates the input elements itself and the typeahead attribute doesn't end up on the generated input element.
<tags-input placeholder="To" ng-model="select" typeahead="toPerson for toPerson in to | filter:$viewValue" style="width:95%;">
ends up being:
<tags-input placeholder="To" ng-model="select" typeahead="toPerson for toPerson in to | filter:$viewValue" style="width:95%;" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-isolate-scope ng-valid-max-tags ng-valid-min-tags ng-valid-leftover-text" aria-autocomplete="list"
aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="typeahead-5-8574">
<div class="host" tabindex="-1" ng-click="" ti-transclude-append="">
<div class="tags" ng-class="{focused: hasFocus}">
<ul class="tag-list">
<!-- ngRepeat: tag in tagList.items track by track(tag) -->
<input class="input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid" autocomplete="off" ng-model="newTag.text" ng-model-options="{getterSetter: true}" ng-keydown="eventHandlers.input.keydown($event)" ng-focus="eventHandlers.input.focus($event)" ng-blur="eventHandlers.input.blur($event)"
ng-paste="eventHandlers.input.paste($event)" ng-trim="false" ng-class="{'invalid-tag': newTag.invalid}" ng-disabled="disabled" ti-bind-attrs="{type: options.type, placeholder: options.placeholder, tabindex: options.tabindex, spellcheck: options.spellcheck}"
ti-autosize="" type="text" placeholder="To" spellcheck="true" style="width: 20px;"><span class="input" style="visibility: hidden; width: auto; white-space: pre; display: none;">To</span>
ngTagsInput does not seem to provide a way for this to be achieved either. Since it provides it's own search mechanism it probably doesn't allow using an external one.