In C++ when I have a struct definitions
struct foo
struct bar
foo FooData[10];
And I want to write a function
void Baz(bar *Bar)
Bar->FooData = {};
I get an error (C3079 in Visual Studio Community 2013) "an initializer-list cannot be used as the right operand of this assignment operator."
Yet this syntax seems to work fine in a situation like
int Array[10];
Array = {};
Why does the previous example fail to compile?
Regarding your question: you can use the "{}" when you define your array ... but not afterwards.
Regarding the problem, I'd recommend memset
memset(Bar->FooData, 0, sizeof (bar->FooData));
If you wanted to allocate FooData dynamically, you could define your struct like this:
struct bar
foo *FooData;