I've made a rotating menu.
To select an item you rotate the menu by clicking and dragging.
var dragging = false;
var links = $('.menu a');
var radius = 520;
var degree = 0.262;
var angle = 0.79;
var orgX;
var orgY;
var offset = $('.menu').offset();
var newangle;
var origradians;
function setItems(angle) {
var internalangle = angle;
links.each(function() {
var y = Math.round(radius * Math.cos(internalangle));
var x = Math.round(radius * Math.sin(internalangle));
left: x + 'px',
top: 0-y + 'px',
if (y < 10 & x > 0) {
if ( y < -10 || y > 0) {
internalangle += degree;
$(function() {
$(document).mousedown(function(evt) {
orgX = evt.pageX - offset.left;
orgY = evt.pageY - offset.top;
orgradians = Math.atan2(orgX, orgY);
dragging = true;
$(document).mouseup(function() {
dragging = false;
angle = newangle;
$(document).mousemove(function(evt) {
if (dragging) {
var x = evt.pageX - offset.left;
var y = evt.pageY - offset.top;
var radians = Math.atan2(y, x);
newangle = (orgradians + radians) - angle;
console.log (orgradians , radians, angle, newangle);
My problem is after the first drag to select an item.
At the beginning of the second drag the menu jumps into the wrong position.
on 'mouseup' I save the 'newangle' variable and override the 'angle variable'.
I suspect there is an error somewhere in the line
newangle = (orgradians + radians) - angle;
I've been tearing my hair out to try and get this to work!
Thanks in advance for any guidance!
If you don't use trigonometry on mouse move and just use it once when the radius of the circle is defined it'll fix the issue:
Work out the rotation speed based on the radius of the circle:
var rotationSpeed = Math.atan(1/radius);
Use the rotation speed and the difference in the Y position of the cursor on mouse move:
var newangle = lastangle - (difY*rotationSpeed);
var dragging = false;
var links = $('.menu a');
var radius = 520;
var degree = 0.262;
var lastY;
var offset = $('.menu').offset();
var lastangle = 0;
var rotationSpeed = Math.atan(1/radius);
function setItems(internalangle) {
links.each(function() {
var y = Math.round(radius * Math.cos(internalangle));
var x = Math.round(radius * Math.sin(internalangle));
left: x + 'px',
top: 0 - y + 'px',
if (y < 10) {
if ( y < -10 || y > 0) {
internalangle += degree;
$(document).mousedown(function(evt) {
lastY = evt.pageY - offset.top;
dragging = true;
$(document).mouseup(function(evt) {
dragging = false;
$(document).mousemove(function(evt) {
if (dragging) {
var y = evt.pageY - offset.top;
var difY = lastY - y;
lastY = y;
var newangle = lastangle - (difY*rotationSpeed);
lastangle = newangle;