I'm trying to use the module pattern for a simple javascript exercise, but want to also integrate a prototype method. The prototype method is not found when called outside of the module, even after the object has be created. What am I missing? Does using prototype methods inside the module pattern defeat the purpose of module pattern?
var BroChart = (function(){
"use strict";
//revealing module pattern
return {
Point: Point,
Series: Series,
Chart: Chart,
addPoint: addPoint,
addPoints: addPoints,
addSeries: addSeries
function Point(x, y){
this.coordinates = [x, y];
function Series(label){
this.pointArray = [];
this.label = label;
// method to add single point
function addPoint(series, point) {
if (point instanceof Point) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid point');
// method to add array of points
function addPoints(series, points) {
points.forEach(function(point) {
if (point instanceof Point) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid point');
function Chart(title, data, type){
this.title = title;
this.data = data;
this.type = type;
this.printSeries = function() { _printSeries(this); };
//prototype method in question
Chart.prototype.printSeries2 = function() {
console.log(this.title + ' Chart');
console.log('Type: ' + this.type);
console.log('Data Points: ' + this.data.pointArray);
function addSeries(chart, series) {
if (series instanceof Series) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid series');
function _printSeries(chart) {
console.log(chart.title + ' Chart');
console.log('Type: ' + chart.type);
console.log('Data Points: ' + chart.data.pointArray);
var broSeries = new BroChart.Series('Protein vs. Sick Gainz');
var firstPoint = new BroChart.Point (343, 21);
var secondPoint = new BroChart.Point (2, 11);
var thirdPoint = new BroChart.Point (54, 241);
var fourthPoint = new BroChart.Point (76, 988);
BroChart.addPoint(broSeries, firstPoint);
BroChart.addPoints(broSeries, [secondPoint, thirdPoint, fourthPoint]);
var Bro = new BroChart.Chart('Protein vs. Sick Gainz', broSeries, 'line');
//problematic prototype method call
You should create the object at the end of the closure
var BroChart = (function(){
"use strict";
function Point(x, y){
this.coordinates = [x, y];
function Series(label){
this.pointArray = [];
this.label = label;
// method to add single point
function addPoint(series, point) {
if (point instanceof Point) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid point');
// method to add array of points
function addPoints(series, points) {
points.forEach(function(point) {
if (point instanceof Point) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid point');
function Chart(title, data, type){
this.title = title;
this.data = data;
this.type = type;
this.printSeries = function() { _printSeries(this); };
//prototype method in question
Chart.prototype.printSeries2 = function() {
console.log(this.title + ' Chart');
console.log('Type: ' + this.type);
console.log('Data Points: ' + this.data.pointArray);
function addSeries(chart, series) {
if (series instanceof Series) {
} else {
console.log('Error: not a valid series');
function _printSeries(chart) {
console.log(chart.title + ' Chart');
console.log('Type: ' + chart.type);
console.log('Data Points: ' + chart.data.pointArray);
//revealing module pattern
return {
Point: Point,
Series: Series,
Chart: Chart,
addPoint: addPoint,
addPoints: addPoints,
addSeries: addSeries
var broSeries = new BroChart.Series('Protein vs. Sick Gainz');
var firstPoint = new BroChart.Point (343, 21);
var secondPoint = new BroChart.Point (2, 11);
var thirdPoint = new BroChart.Point (54, 241);
var fourthPoint = new BroChart.Point (76, 988);
BroChart.addPoint(broSeries, firstPoint);
BroChart.addPoints(broSeries, [secondPoint, thirdPoint, fourthPoint]);
var Bro = new BroChart.Chart('Protein vs. Sick Gainz', broSeries, 'line');
//problematic prototype method call
Edit: The explanation is that Chart.prototype.printSeries2 = function(){...}
is an statement and is not beeing executed because of the top return.
See it running here: https://jsfiddle.net/f8ednmw2/