Java development took a huge step forward with the introduction of Guice. My projects heavily depend on Warp-persist and its successor GuicePersist for persistency.
But there seems to be a mismatch between the use of Guice and Restlet.
It looks like its only possible to @Inject
session and persistence factories from the servlet level.
For transaction handling i need Guice to create Restlet ServerResources
which enable me to @Inject
persistence stuff like @Transactional or UnitOfWork.
Is there any change for Guice on the roadmap of Restlet?
Are there best practices for the use of Guice with Restlet?
Roland Beuker
Stackoverflow Related already pointed me to the blog "Restlet Guice extension considered ... unnecessary"
And indeed there's already a Guice extension for Restlet; Restlet Extensions => Guice