I recently developed in Julia, JuMP a program (file "main_lac.jl" builds the problem and file "lac.jl" solves it) to model and solve a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem. Everithing worked fine untile few days ago and I was able to solve the problem using both the Bonmin and the Couenne solvers made availabe by the CoinOptServices.jl package. Strangely now I have the following error when launching the program. Below is what I get in Julia:
_ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing
(_) | (_) (_) | Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "help()" for help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official http://julialang.org/ release
|__/ | x86_64-w64-mingw32
julia> include("main_lac.jl")
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.9.2
Num Status Obj It time
NLP0014I 1 OPT -521.00118 24 0.207
Coin0506I Presolve 159 (-8) rows, 77 (-49) columns and 406 (-124) elements
Clp0006I 0 Obj -291.73028 Primal inf 90.459932 (3) Dual inf 61.664329 (12)
Clp0006I 52 Obj -640.0942 Primal inf 1123.145 (25)
Clp0006I 94 Obj -596.07782 Primal inf 0.68700263 (6)
Clp0006I 102 Obj -596.07782
Clp0006I 102 Obj -596.07782 Dual inf 8.9765432e-007 (1)
Clp0006I 105 Obj -596.07782
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value -596.07782
Clp0006I 0 Obj -596.07782 Dual inf 0.00037833533 (8)
Clp0006I 8 Obj -596.07782
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value -596.07782
Clp0032I Optimal objective -596.0778209 - 113 iterations time 0.052, Presolve 0.
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value -596.07782
NLP Heuristic: time limit reached.
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value -596.07782
Optimality Based BT: 4 improved bounds
Probing: 4 improved bounds
NLP Heuristic: no solution.
Optimality Based BT: 5 improved bounds
Couenne: new cutoff value -4.9453392465e+002 (1.13 seconds)
Optimality Based BT: 2 improved bounds
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.0829262369e+002 (3.484 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1799449233e+002 (3.491 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1816308421e+002 (3.498 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925773349e+002 (3.506 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925907688e+002 (3.512 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925910990e+002 (3.61 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925922776e+002 (3.624 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925931564e+002 (3.64 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925932779e+002 (3.662 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925933108e+002 (3.689 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925933216e+002 (3.7 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925933231e+002 (3.717 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.1925933244e+002 (3.734 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2036795130e+002 (3.832 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2041509722e+002 (3.844 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042014861e+002 (3.904 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042329464e+002 (3.931 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042367221e+002 (3.966 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042418354e+002 (4.046 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042418765e+002 (4.059 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042425222e+002 (4.086 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042432194e+002 (4.109 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042435022e+002 (4.14 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042435814e+002 (4.151 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042436647e+002 (4.163 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042438317e+002 (4.173 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042438916e+002 (4.189 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042439029e+002 (4.206 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042439045e+002 (4.229 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042493291e+002 (4.298 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042555039e+002 (4.358 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042586877e+002 (4.411 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042615119e+002 (4.475 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042655116e+002 (4.6 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042659198e+002 (4.677 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042661361e+002 (4.693 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042662379e+002 (4.704 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042662528e+002 (4.736 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042662605e+002 (4.749 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042662620e+002 (4.913 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042672382e+002 (4.923 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042672857e+002 (4.961 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042673319e+002 (4.984 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042673373e+002 (5.002 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042673707e+002 (5.015 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042673748e+002 (5.05 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042698535e+002 (5.33 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042711667e+002 (5.345 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042743366e+002 (5.356 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042748873e+002 (5.37 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042749136e+002 (5.409 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042749469e+002 (5.424 seconds)
Couenne: new cutoff value -5.2042749753e+002 (5.437 seconds)
symbol could not be found xmlReadFile (-1): no error
ERROR: error compiling read_osrl_file!: could not load module C:\Users: no error
in optimize! at C:\Users\Francesco\.julia\v0.3\CoinOptServices\src\CoinOptServi
in solveMIP at C:\Users\Francesco\.julia\v0.3\JuMP\src\solvers.jl:343
in solve at C:\Users\Francesco\.julia\v0.3\JuMP\src\solvers.jl:8
in lac at C:\Users\Francesco\AppData\Local\Julia-0.3.11\lac.jl:107
in include at boot.jl:245
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
while loading C:\Users\Francesco\AppData\Local\Julia-0.3.11\main_lac.jl, in expr
ession starting on line 56
I think that the problem is solved as the results.osrl file reports the solution:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="OSrL.xslt"?>
<osrl xmlns="os.optimizationservices.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="os.optimizationservices.org http://www.optimizationservices.org/schemas/2.0/OSrL.xsd" >
<generalStatus type="normal">
<message>Couenne solver finishes to the end.</message>
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.9.2
<solverInvoked>COIN-OR Couenne</solverInvoked>
<optimization numberOfSolutions="1" numberOfVariables="61" numberOfConstraints="78" numberOfObjectives="1">
<solution targetObjectiveIdx="-1">
<status type="locallyOptimal" description="SUCCESS[COUENNE]: Algorithm terminated normally at a locally optimal point, satisfying the convergence tolerances.">
<variables >
<values numberOfVar="61">
<var idx="0">0</var>
<var idx="1">0</var>
<var idx="2">.2</var>
<var idx="3">.3896517195593275</var>
<var idx="4">.45593354296596916</var>
<var idx="5">.5410201796725872</var>
<var idx="6">.45742211779593706</var>
<var idx="7">.5779862200030897</var>
<var idx="8">.3779862200030897</var>
<var idx="9">0</var>
<var idx="10">0</var>
<var idx="11">0</var>
<var idx="12">0</var>
<var idx="13">0</var>
<var idx="14">0</var>
<var idx="15">0</var>
<var idx="16">0</var>
<var idx="17">1</var>
<var idx="18">1</var>
<var idx="19">1</var>
<var idx="20">.4770485937889726</var>
<var idx="21">.4866129031049262</var>
<var idx="22">.5069859009124318</var>
<var idx="23">.3405620045207881</var>
<var idx="24">.20000000000000004</var>
<var idx="25">.20000000000000004</var>
<var idx="26">.2000000000000001</var>
<var idx="27">.38879059767288054</var>
<var idx="28">.20000000000000018</var>
<var idx="29">1.1102230246251565e-16</var>
<var idx="30">0</var>
<var idx="31">0</var>
<var idx="32">1</var>
<var idx="33">1</var>
<var idx="34">1</var>
<var idx="35">1</var>
<var idx="36">1</var>
<var idx="37">1</var>
<var idx="38">1</var>
<var idx="39">1</var>
<var idx="40">1</var>
<var idx="41">1</var>
<var idx="42">1</var>
<var idx="43">1</var>
<var idx="44">1</var>
<var idx="45">1.0000000000000007</var>
<var idx="46">1</var>
<var idx="47">1</var>
<var idx="48">0</var>
<var idx="49">20.081943751558903</var>
<var idx="50">20.464516124197047</var>
<var idx="51">21.279436036497273</var>
<var idx="52">22.622480180831523</var>
<var idx="53">24.586068782373097</var>
<var idx="54">27.237341718638767</var>
<var idx="55">30.64080718690349</var>
<var idx="56">34.8485086187527</var>
<var idx="57">32.11944880012359</var>
<var idx="58">56.11944880012359</var>
<var idx="59">41</var>
<var idx="60">41</var>
<objectives >
<values numberOfObj="1">
<obj idx="-1">-520.4274975330925</obj>
I tried to re-install Julia but didn't work. I work under Windows 8.1 64 bit. Note: Pkg.test("Cbc") fails in Julia with the same error (error compiling read_osrl_file! ...)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Try using the BonminNLSolver
and CouenneNLSolver
solvers from the AmplNLWriter package. Note that these solvers use the same binaries installed by CoinOptServices.
In the meantime, it looks like this error is related to an open issue at CoinOptServices.jl.