For a project I have to change the zero-driver to produce an infinite amount of 'a' instead of the usual zero. So I modified /usr/src/drivers/memory/memory.c
This was the original:
/* Initialize /dev/zero. Simply write zeros into the buffer. */
for (i=0; i<ZERO_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
dev_zero[i] = '\0'; //This is line 247
This is my modification:
/* Initialize /dev/zero. Simply write zeros into the buffer. */
for (i=0; i<ZERO_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
dev_zero[i] = 'a'; //This is line 247
So I save and close and recompile memory.c but no changes when I say cat /dev/zero
. I even tried deleting /dev/zero and using mknod /dev/zero c 1 5
to create a new one. But still no changes. I also tried rebooting.
Am I changing the incorrect file or am I not compiling the right files?
Okay I found that doing the following solves the problem:
cd /usr/src/drivers/memory/
cd ..
make clean
make build
make install
cd ..
make world
make install
cd kernel
make clean
So basically recompiling a few directories and then restarting the OS.