I have a small ATL program converting BPMN2.0 to another model as:
-- @nsURI MM1=http://www.my.site/path/to/my/MM1
-- @nsURI BPMN20=http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL-XMI
-- @path reo=/BPMN20reo/reo.ecore
rule definition2module {
b: BPMN20!Definitions
m: reo!Connector(name<-b.name)
module test; create OUT: reo from IN: BPMN20;
The code generates the following errors. I believe it has something to do with loading/finding BPMN 2 model. I tried also using the BPMN 2 file address but still I get the following errors:
Metamodel contains several classifiers with same name: DocumentRoot Metamodel contains several classifiers with same name: DocumentRoot Metamodel contains several classifiers with same name: di::DocumentRoot Metamodel contains several classifiers with same name: DocumentRoot
Here is my code https://github.com/behnaaz/BPMN2ATL
The issue is what is Meta-model schizophrenia - two loaded models for one purpose. It seems more than one BPMN 2 class is registered.
I uninstalled all BPMN 2 related plugins from Eclipse, so the only meta-model there was my own meta-model in the project.