I've been scouring through questions on SO for a solution to this without any luck as of yet. I have found some similar questions, but no solution.
I'm trying to add some sort of role check on login to see if a user has a custom role i've defined. If so. They get the dockbar.
Currently it's checking to see if they're an admin across the entire site. Which is something I don't want to give people. They need to be like a Power User with a specific set of permissions.
The current check is like so:
#if ($is_signed_in && $permissionChecker.isOmniadmin())
I have seen examples checking for a specific role ID which look like they would work.
Example here:
#set($UserLocalServiceUtil = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService"))
#if ($UserLocalServiceUtil.hasRoleUser(roleID, $user.getUserId()))
The only problem with this approach is I am unsure of what my custom roles ID is and how I go about getting it..
Does anyone know how I can get my custom roles ID?
Is there some sort of .getRoleName
selector that I have overlooked?
Maybe this method could help you to complete the code.
Is it possible to have Role by name (and the name could be stored & configured by theme settings)
#set($RoleLocalServiceUtil = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.RoleLocalService"))
#set ($role = $RoleLocalServiceUtil.fetchRole(roleName, $themeDisplay.companyId))