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Using GOTO for a FSM in C

I am creating a finite state machine in C. I learned FSM from the hardware point of view (HDL language). So I'm used a switch with one case per state.

I also like to apply the Separation of Concerns concept when programing. I mean I'd like to get this flow:

  1. Calculate the next state depending on the current state and input flags
  2. Validate this next state (if the user request a transition that is not allowed)
  3. Process the next state when it is allowed

As a start I implemented 3 functions: static e_InternalFsmStates fsm_GetNextState(); static bool_t fsm_NextStateIsAllowed(e_InternalFsmStates nextState); static void fsm_ExecuteNewState(e_InternalFsmStates);

At the moment they all contain a big switch-case which is the same:

switch (FSM_currentState) {
case FSM_State1:
case FSM_State2:

Now that it works, I'd like to improve the code.

I know that in the 3 functions I'll execute the same branch of the switch. So I am thinking to use gotos in this way:

// Compute next state
switch (FSM_currentState) {
case FSM_State1:
    next_state = THE_NEXT_STATE
case FSM_State2:
    next_state = THE_NEXT_STATE
    goto ERROR;

// Validate next state
    // Some code to Set stateIsValid to TRUE/FALSE;
    if (stateIsValid == TRUE)
        goto EXECUTE_STATE1;
        goto ERROR;

    // Some code to Set stateIsValid to TRUE/FALSE;
    if (stateIsValid == TRUE)
        goto EXECUTE_STATE2;
        goto ERROR;

// Execute next state
    // Do what I need for state1
    goto END;

    // Do what I need for state2
    goto END;

// Error
    // Error handling
    goto END;

    return; // End of function

Of course, I could do the 3 parts (calculate, validate and process the next state) in a single switch case. But for code readability and code reviews, I feel like it will be easier to separate them.

Finally my question, is it dangerous to use GOTOs in this way? Would you have any advice when using FSM like that?

Thank you for your comments!

After reading the answers and comments below, here is what I am going to try:

e_FSM_InternalStates nextState = FSM_currentState;
bool_t isValidNextState;

// Compute and validate next state
switch (FSM_currentState) {
case FSM_State1:
    if (FSM_inputFlags.flag1 == TRUE)
        nextState = FSM_State2;

    isValidNextState = fsm_validateState1Transition(nextState);

case FSM_State2:
    if (FSM_inputFlags.flag2 == TRUE)
        nextState = FSM_State3;
    isValidNextState = fsm_validateState2Transition(nextState);

// If nextState is invalid go to Error
if (isValidNextState == FALSE) {
    nextState = FSM_StateError;

// Execute next state
switch (nextState) {
case FSM_State1:
    // Execute State1

case FSM_State2:
    // Execute State1

case FSM_StateError:
    // Execute Error

FSM_currentState = nextState;


  • While goto has its benefits in C, it should be used sparesly and with extreme caution. What you intend is no recommendable use-case.

    Your code will be less maintainable and more confusing. switch/case is actually some kind of "calculated" goto (thats's why there are case labels).

    You are basicaly thinking the wrong way. For a state-machine, you should first verify input, then calculate the next state, then the output. There are various ways to do so, but it is often a good idea to use two switches and - possibly - a single error-handling label or a error-flag:

    bool error_flag = false;
    while ( run_fsm ) {
        switch ( current_state ) {
            case STATE1:
                 if ( input1 == 1 )
                     next_state = STATE2;
                     goto error_handling;   // use goto 
                     error_flag = true;     // or the error-flag (often better)
        if ( error_flag )
        switch ( next_state ) {
            case STATE1:
                output3 = 2;
                // if outputs depend on inputs, similar to the upper `switch`
        current_state = next_state;

    This way you are transitioning and verifying input at once. This makes senase, as you have to evaluate the inputs anyway to set the next state, so invalid input just falls of the tests naturally.

    An alternative is to have an output_state and state variable instead of next_state and current_state. In the first switch you set output_state and state, the second is switch ( output_state ) ....

    If the single cases become too long, you should use functions to determine the next_state and/or output_state/outputs. It depends very much on the FSM (number of inputs, outputs, states, complexity (e.g. one-hot vs. "encoded" - if you are family with HDL, you will know).

    If you need more complex error-handling (e.g. recover) inside the loop, leave the loop as-is and add an outer loop, possibly change the error-flag to an error-code and add another switch for it in the outer loop. Depending on complexity, pack the inner loop into its own function, etc.

    Sidenote: The compiler might very well optimize the structured approach (without goto) to the same/similar code as with the goto