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Multiple row bodies in ExtJS grid

Is there a way to show multiple row bodies for each row in ExtJS grid?

The thing is that I need to show one before and one after each row. I could have two row bodies (one with property showBefore: true) but you can only add one row body as far as I know.

Is there an easy way to do this? It looks to me like there is no other way than to write an override.


  • Ext.define("App.override.grid.feature.RowBody", {
        override: "Ext.grid.feature.RowBody",
        extraRowTpl: [
            'if(this.rowBody.bodyBefore) {',
            'values.view.renderColumnSizer(values, out);',
            '} else {',
            'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);',
            'values.view.rowBodyFeature.setupRowData(values.record, values.recordIndex, values);',
            '<tr class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr {rowBodyCls}" {ariaRowAttr}>',
            '<td class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-td ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-rowbody" colspan="{rowBodyColspan}" {ariaCellAttr}>',
            '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody {rowBodyDivCls}" {ariaCellInnerAttr}>{rowBody}</div>',
            'if(this.rowBody.bodyBefore) {',
            'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);',
            // RD ->        
            'if(this.rowBody.secondRowBody) {',
            'values.view.rowBodyFeature.setupRowData(values.record, values.recordIndex, values, true);',
            '<tpl if="this.rowBody.secondRowBody">',
            '<tr class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr {rowBodyCls}" {ariaRowAttr}>',
            '<td class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-td ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-rowbody" colspan="{rowBodyColspan}" {ariaCellAttr}>',
            '<div class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody {rowBodyDivCls}" {ariaCellInnerAttr}>{rowBody}</div>',
            // RD ->
                priority: 100,
                beginRowSync: function(rowSync) {
                    rowSync.add('rowBody', this.owner.eventSelector);
                syncContent: function(destRow, sourceRow, columnsToUpdate) {
                    var owner = this.owner,
                        destRowBody =, true),
                    if (destRowBody && (sourceRowBody =, true))) {
        //setupRowData: function(record, rowIndex, rowValues) {
        setupRowData: function(record, rowIndex, rowValues, isSecondRowBody) { // RD
            if (this.getAdditionalData) {
                //Ext.apply(rowValues, this.getAdditionalData(, rowIndex, record, rowValues));
                Ext.apply(rowValues, this.getAdditionalData(, rowIndex, record, rowValues, isSecondRowBody)); // RD