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Power shell script to get states for app pool

help me to rewrite PowerShell script to get the status for IIS app pool on windows 7 and windows 2008 (IIS6).

function Get-AppPool {





#region loadAssembly 


#endregion loadAssembly

foreach ($s in $server)


$sm = [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager]::OpenRemote($s)

$apppools = $sm.ApplicationPools["$pool"]

$status = $apppools.state

        $info = @{
        'Pool Name'=$pool;

        Write-Output (New-Object –Typename PSObject –Prop $info)




  • If you only need to get the state of an application pool from the current machine, try this:

    Import-Module WebAdministration
    Get-WebAppPoolState -Name 'DefaultAppPool'