I have following resources
The API is made to deliver children objects by parent object ID, and I don't see that compatible with Ember-data out-of-the-box (or without hacking, only proper configuration).
Question resource gets me JSON like this:
"errors": [],
"data": {
"created": 1439832769693,
"updated": 1440012378723,
"userID": 20,
"user": {
"password": null,
"created": null,
"updated": null,
"photoID": null,
"photo": null,
"email": "notsoimportant@host.com",
"emailConfirmed": false,
"phoneNumber": null,
"phoneNumberConfirmed": false,
"accessFailedCount": 0,
"id": 20,
"userName": "qwerty"
"categories": [], // does not exist in json
"addCategoriesIDs": [],
"removeCategoriesIDs": [],
"recommendations": [],
"removeRecommendstionIDs": [],
"patternAnswers": [],
"removePatternAnswerIDs": [],
"comments": [], //does not exist in json
"hint": null,
"version": 1,
"commonVersion": 8,
"id": 7,
"questionText": "What is your name?",
"weight": 0,
"answerType": 0,
"status": 0,
"estimatedTime": null,
"private": false
Properties "patternAnswers", "recommendations" are in the question, but "comments" and "categories" are not. More over I don't get Question with listed properties filled with IDs of dependent objects. I wish I could get
"errors": [],
"data": {
"comments" : [11,12,13,14],
"categories" : [21,22,23,24],
"recommendations": [1,2,3,4],
"removeRecommendstionIDs": [],
"patternAnswers": [5,6,7,8],
"removePatternAnswerIDs": [],
"hint": null,
"version": 1,
"commonVersion": 8,
"id": 7,
.. but they are empty :(
I would like to configure my Question Model and Question Serializer to grab all that dependent objects asynchronously.
I would like to get everything just issuing
var QuestionModel = this.store.find('question',7);
var comments = QuestionModel.get('comments');
var categories= QuestionModel.get('categories');
var recommendations= QuestionModel.get('recommendations');
var patternAnswers= QuestionModel.get('patternAnswers');
How is it feasible?
If you want this to work out-of-the-box, you should set up your API according to ember guides (http://guides.emberjs.com/v2.0.0/models/the-rest-adapter/). That said, endpoints must be:
And payload from GET /api/v1/questions/{questionID} should look like:
"question": {
"categories": [], // an array of ids
"recommendations": [], // an array of ids
"patternAnswers": [], // an array of ids
"comments": [], // an array of ids
"id": Number, // question id
... // others
Otherwise, you need to change the default behavior of DS.Model
or/and RESTAdapter
, or use QuestionController
with attached models of Category, Comment, etc. Or you can pack all things in model
and setupController
hooks of route represented that data.
I suggest you to answer yourself these questions:
How far you can go with changing the API? There is another but similar scheme:
Question /api/v1/questions/{questionID}
Category /api/v1/questions/{questionID}/categories/{categoryID}
Categories /api/v1/questions/{questionID}/categories
It's a bit easier to configure in Ember then your version.