i have put together the undermentioned script. it wont output the last character of the last source. i am not very well concerned with js and that is why i ask you. can anyone give me a clue?
function jtype(source, step){
var str = source, i = 0, isTag, text, all = "", ii = 0, totallength = 0;
for(ii = 1; ii < step; ii++){
all = all + $("#source-" + ii).val();
(function type() {
text = str.slice(0, ++i);
if (text === str) return;
$(".steps").html(all + text);
var char = text.slice(-1);
if( char === '<' ) isTag = true;
if( char === '>' ) isTag = false;
if (isTag) return type();
setTimeout(type, 20);
this is an example-data-source:
<input type="hidden" class="sources" id="source-1" value="Gesetzliche Zinsen gebühren kraft Gesetzes. ">
<input type="hidden" class="sources" id="source-2" value="Der gesetzliche Zinssatz beträgt nach <a href="#" onclick="dofadein('#norm330')">§ 1000 Abs 1 ABGB</a> 4 Prozentpunkte pro Jahr. ">
<input type="hidden" class="sources" id="source-3" value="Gesetzliche Zinsen sind insb die sog Verzugszinsen nach <a href="#" onclick="dofadein('#norm430')">§ 1333 ABGB</a>.">
in this example it wont output the dot at the end of #source-3. when i make an alert(source) right in the function jtype() the dot is NOT missing.
the other thing i want to know is. how can i determine the end of the output. i mean: how can i determine if the cycling is finished and the last character has been output?
thank you very much for your help and please excuse my bad english.
The problem seems to be that when the text === str
you return before updating the element so the last character never gets inserted
if (text === str) return;
$(".steps").html(all + text);
// update element before ending
$(".steps").html(all + text);
if (text === str) return;