I'm trying to write some code in C++ that would otherwise be quite easy to write in MatLab, using Eigen and Odeint. However, I am new to both the Eigen and Odeint libraries and I am not getting very far. If someone out there could just point me in the right direction (in terms of how to code it), I should be able to take it from there.
Here's roughly what I'd like to do, but can't get to work (in pseudo code; anything in all caps is a constant):
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1> state_type_1d;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic> state_type_2d;
state_type Q(N*N,N*N) = ... // initialize Q
void dxdt_fun( state_type_1d &x , state_type_1d &dxdt , double t )
static state_type_2d v(N,N);
v = (0.5 * (1 + tanh((x-0.5) * GAIN)));
dxdt = -x*LAMBDA + v.colwise.sum() + v.rowwise.sum(); // needs bsxfun??
dxdt = dxdt + Q * x; // matrix times vector
void main(int argc, char **argv)
state_type_1d u(N,N);
srand((unsigned int) time(0));
u.setRandom(); // picks random numbers from -1 to 1
integrate_adaptive(stepper, dxdt_fun, u, 0.0, 100.0, 0.01, write_dxdt);
Many thanks to anyone who can lend a hand.
The (Eigen) syntax problems with your code are as follows:
should be v.colwise().sum()
should be v.rowwise().sum()
state_type_1d u(N,N);
is mixed vector type, matrix constructor.v = (0.5 * (1 + tanh((x-0.5) * GAIN)));
appears to be a coefficient wise vector product into a matrix variable. And I don't think that Eigen has a built in tanh
but I could be wrong. Even if so, wrong syntax. It should be (x-0.5).tanh()
if it exists.