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Iteration for convergence in Matlab without using a while loop

I have to iterate a process where I have an initial guess for the Mach number (M0). This initial guess will give me another guess for the Mach number by using two equations (Mn). Eventually, i want to iterate this process untill the error between M0 and Mn is small. I have the following piece of code and it actually works well with a while loop.

However, I am afraid that the while loop will take many iterations and computational time for certain inputs since this will be part of a bigger code which most likely will give unfeasible inputs for the while loop.

Therefore my question is the following. How can I iterate this process within Matlab without consulting a while loop? The code that I am implementing now is the following:

%% Input
gamma = 1.4;
theta = atan(0.315);
cpi = -0.732;
%% Loop
M0 = 0.2; %initial guess 
Err =  100;
iterations = 0;

while Err > 0.5E-3  
B = (1-(M0^2)*(1-M0*cpi))^0.5; 
Mn = (((gamma+1)/2) * ((B+((1-cpi)^0.5)*sec(theta)-1)^2/(B^2 + (tan(theta))^2)) - ((gamma-1)/2) )^-0.5;
Err = abs(M0 - Mn);
M0 = Mn;

disp(iterations) disp(Mn)

Many thanks


  • Since M0 is calculated in each iteration and you have trigonometric functions, you cannot use another way than iteration structures (i.e. while).

    If you had a specific increase or decrease at M0, then you could initialize a vector of M0 and do vector calculations for B and Err.

    But, with sec and tan this is not possible.

    Another wat would be to use the parallel processing. But, since you change the M0 at each iteration then you cannot use the parfor loop.

    As for a for loop, in MATLAB you need an array for for "command" argument (e.g. 1:10 or 1:length(x) or i = A, where A = 1:10 or A = [1:10;11:20]). Since you evaluate a condition and depending on the result of the evaluation you judge if you continue the execution or not, it seems that the while loop (or do while in another language) is the only way to go.