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How to lookup each and every domain that ends with .JOBS TLD?

I want to find domains from the internet that ends with .JOBS. Should I use Brute Force? If yes so how? Or some other database is available already to query from?

I need your help friends.



  • It's unlikely that you'll be able to just download a list. But, since there are restrictions on the .jobs TLD (i.e. you have to agree to their terms, and it's fairly strictly policed), you can cut down on your "brute force" approach. For example, you could start by getting a list of the S&P 500 companies' sites and trying them. That is, instead of, try You could go far by getting lists of big companies and trying www.[CompanyName].jobs.

    You could do a lot better with a focused Web crawler that you seed with the urls of business sites, and have it look for ".jobs" links. But doing such a thing is a fairly involved bit of work.

    See for information about restrictions on the .jobs domain.