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EntityFramework 6 and mongodb and Identity

I am using WebAPi project and I would like to setup EntityFramework 6 with Mongodb.

I have setup my mongodb database and my entity framework code first model by following this link:

Now I would like to get Entity Framework and Identity 2 to work together based on Mongodb. However, I cannot find any way ormodules that allow to do it. I found the following but it explains to uninstall entity framework.

So would you know a tuorial or would you have any experiences to enable mongodb for EF Code first and with IDentity working with?



  • Ok so I finally found a solution.

    I am not using EF anymore.

    I am using AspNet Identity Mongo with the V2 branch I compiled.

    I am using MongoRepository for the repository of my Model.

    And I have developed a DataService to manage my models CRUD operations.

     public class DataService
        public static MongoRepository<ModelClass> ModelClass{ get { return Singleton<MongoRepository<ModelClass>>.Instance; } }
    public class Singleton<T> where T : class, new()
        Singleton() { }
        private static readonly Lazy<T> instance = new Lazy<T>(() => new T());
        public static T Instance { get { return instance.Value; } }

    And I am good.
