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Using JMockit and Spring AOP together

Suppose I have a program that looks like this:

public class MainAction {
    public void doTheAction() {
        System.out.println("Now doing the action");

public class BeforeAspect {
    private Logger logger;

    @Before("execution(* thepackagename.MainAction.*(..))")
    public void doBefore() {
        logger.log("The @Before advice has run");

public class Logger {
    public void log(String s) {

This is working fine if I run it through Eclipse (the main method esentially calls mainAction.doTheAction() after mainAction is created by Spring).

Now I want to write a test that ensures that the log method is called correctly when doTheAction is called. We're using JMockit for our testing. (This is a very simplified case of a problem I'm actually facing; a more complex logger is being called via an AOP aspect, and the wrong value of something is being logged. Before working on a fix, I'm trying write a test to ensure the logged value is correct.)

This is what my (simplified) test currently looks like:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:Beans.xml"})
public class MainActionTest {
    private MainAction mainAction;

    public void testThatLoggerIsCalled(@Injectable Logger logger) {
        new Expectations() { {
        } };

The @ContextConfiguration may be useless. Earlier I had tried @RunWith(SpringJunit4ClassRunner.class), which is why @ContextConfiguration is there, but none of the mocking stuff was handled. Also, I'm using @Tested and @Injectable instead of @Autowired and @Mocked, following the suggestion in this question; without that, mainAction remained null. So now the test runs, and Now doing the action appears in the output. But The @Before advice has run doesn't appear (and doesn't appear even if I don't mock the Logger), and the expectation fails.

How can I use JMockit and AOP together?

Edit: As requested, I added something to print the classpath property. Here it is (with unimportant parts of some path names removed):

Eclipse workspaces\springtest8\target\test-classes
Eclipse workspaces\springtest8\target\classes

Edit 2: I got things to work by removing JUnit4 from the Libraries tab in Configure Build Path.


  • The following test works fine, using Spring 3.0 or newer (tested with Spring 3.0.7, 4.0.5, and 4.2.0):

    @ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:beans.xml")
    public class MainActionTest
        @Inject MainAction mainAction;
        public void testThatLoggerIsCalled(@Mocked final Logger logger)
            new Verifications() {{ logger.log(anyString); }};