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Ember CLI model testing fails

Hi i'm trying to write first tests in Ember CLI. This is what my test looks like

> ...
> moduleForModel('recipe/recipe', 'Recipe Model works', {
>     needs: ['model:recipe/recipe'] });
>        test('Recipe is a valid ember-data Model', function (assert) {
>     var store =;
>     var recipe = this.subject({name: 'A title for a recipe'});
>     assert.ok(recipe instanceof DS.Model); });

And the model recipe/recipe model

var Recipe = DS.Model.extend({
    name: DS.attr('string'),

    category: DS.belongsTo('recipe/category', {async: true}),
    file: DS.belongsTo('filerepository/file', {async: true})

        { id: 1, name: 'New Recipe'},

If i run given test, it outputs : Error: No model was found for 'recipe/category'

If i comment //category and //file on model. The test passes. Currently using fixture adapter. When I create records or load them inside app's workflow all the relations work fine. (like store.find('recipe/category') etc..)


  • You need to declare more models you depend on in moduleForModel:

    needs: ['model:recipe/recipe', 'model:recipe/category', 'model:filerepository/file']