Search code examples

Handling for records that contains DS.BelongsTo

I have a blog that uses JSON to communicate between Rails with Active Model Serializers v0.10.0.rc2 and Ember.js. Everything was working until I needed to implement DS.BelongsTo on the Post model for getting the tag name from the Genre model.

Most of it (especially server side) seems to be working as {{}) does display the genre name for posts created on the server side (seeds.rb), but things always turns sour when I try to create a post on the Ember side... I tried different ways, but I just can't get the genre_id to be saved with the post (user_id is saved though and it is probably because I did not setup a BelongsTo relationship to it.)

Post Create.js Controller

application: Ember.inject.controller('application'),
genreID: Ember.computed('application.selectedGID', function()
    return this.get('application.selectedGID');

var store =;
console.log(this.get('genreID')); //>> 1
var post = store.createRecord('post', {
    user_id: this.get(''),
    genre_id: this.get('genreID'), //>> Was working before BelongsTo
    genre: store.find('genre', this.get('genreID')) //>> Supposed to work, but does not...
console.log(post.get('genre_id')); //>> 1
console.log(post.genre); //>> Computed Property
console.log(; //>> Undefined
console.log(post.get(''));  //>> Undefined
console.log(; //>> Undefined
console.log(post.get(''));  //>> Undefined {
    self.transitionToRoute('post', post);
}, function() {
    alert('Failed to create Post...');

Post Index.js controller

posts/1 << Created with seeds.rb

console.log(this.get('')); //>> 1
console.log(this.get('')); //>> Song

posts/18 << Created on Ember.js

console.log(this.get('')); //>> undefined
console.log(this.get('')); //>> undefined


Processing by Api::V1::PostsController#create as JSON

Parameters: {"post"=>{"user_id"=>4, "fact_link"=>"bcvxvbxcbvxc", "fiction_link"=>"vbxcbcvxvbxcvbxc", "title"=>"vbxcxbvbxvccxvb", "importance"=>nil, "soft_delete"=>false, "soft_delete_date"=>nil, "hidden"=>false, "views_count"=>nil, "text"=>"bvxcbvcxbvcxvbxc", "comments_count"=>nil, "genre_id"=>nil, "fact_type_id"=>nil, "category_id"=>nil, "topic_id"=>nil}}

User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = ? LIMIT 1  [["email", ""]]
(0.1ms)  begin transaction

SQL (0.2ms)  INSERT INTO "posts" ("text", "views_count", "title", "user_id", "fact_link", "fiction_link", "soft_delete", "hidden", "comments_count", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  [["text", "bvxcbvcxbvcxvbxc"], ["views_count", nil], ["title", "vbxcxbvbxvccxvb"], ["user_id", 4], ["fact_link", "bcvxvbxcbvxc"], ["fiction_link", "vbxcbcvxvbxcvbxc"], ["soft_delete", "f"], ["hidden", "f"], ["comments_count", nil], ["created_at", "2015-08-21 17:27:01.399594"], ["updated_at", "2015-08-21 17:27:01.399594"]]

User Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", 4]]

SQL (0.1ms)  UPDATE "users" SET "posts_count" = COALESCE("posts_count", 0) + 1 WHERE "users"."id" = ?  [["id", 4]]

(17.5ms)  commit transaction

Genre Model

posts: DS.hasMany('post', {async: true})
name: DS.attr ('string'),

Post Model

user_id: DS.attr ('number'), 
genre_id: DS.attr ('number'),
genre: DS.belongsTo('genre', {async: true})

The entire source code can be found on my Github, but I could add more code snippets here if necessary.


  • Contrary to what is stated in the Ember.js guide, the solution somehow ended up being to use peekRecord instead of find or findRecord as described below:

    genre: store.peekRecord('genre', this.get('genreID'))

    I believe that the cause of this issue was the promise created by find and findRecord that did not got resolved before the was called.