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SignalR not working on local IIS but working with IIS Express

I'm trying to write a small SignalR project. When the project is set to run under IIS Express everything works as it should.

But when in Visual Studio project properties I switch to "Local IIS" and try to run, my page loads and does not connect to the SignalR Server.

I've checked with Fiddler and I found that while all script are loaded correctly relative to the path, the SignalR calls are made to the root of the website. So in fiddler I see something like this:

3   304 HTTP    localhost   /TestApp/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js   0           microsoftedgecp:11004           
4   304 HTTP    localhost   /TestApp/Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.2.min.js    0           microsoftedgecp:11004           
6   404 HTTP    localhost   /signalr/negotiate?clientProtocol=1.4&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22testapphub%22%7D%5D&_=1440092162315  4,958   private text/html; charset=utf-8    microsoftedgecp:11004           

As you can see, the SignalR is calling it's negotiate on /signalr while the project is running under /TestApp/

How can I tell it to look at to correct location (relative) ?


This is my OwinStartup.cs:

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

I have nothing defined in global.asax - should I?


  • I've found something that makes it work. It doesn't have to do with mapping in the OwinStartup (which after testing I found that is being called but not braked during debug).

    After digging inside the js source file of SignalR I found this function the initializes a hub connection:

    function hubConnection(url, options) {
        /// <summary>Creates a new hub connection.</summary>
        /// <param name="url" type="String">[Optional] The hub route url, defaults to "/signalr".</param>
        /// <param name="options" type="Object">[Optional] Settings to use when creating the hubConnection.</param>
        var settings = {
            qs: null,
            logging: false,
            useDefaultPath: true
        $.extend(settings, options);
        if (!url || settings.useDefaultPath) {
            url = (url || "") + "/signalr";
        return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);

    As you can see, it takes a url parameter. So when I initialized my hub with the following code:

    var connection = $.hubConnection('/TestApp/');

    It now works. Now I just wrote a simple server side that checks weather it should initialize this parameter (if it's running in a sub-directory) and inject the value to the HTML page.