How can I scale up the size of my world/level to include more gameobjects without causing lag for the player?
I am creating an asset for the asset store. It is a random procedural world generator. There is only one major problem: world size.
I can't figure out how to scale up the worlds to have more objects/tiles.
I would like to create a world at least the size of 4200x1200 blocks without lag spikes.
Additional Information: The terrain is split up into chunks. It is 2d, and I have box colliders on all solid tiles/blocks. Players can dig/place blocks. I am not worried about the amount of time it takes for the level to load initially, but rather about the smoothness of the game while playing it -no lag spikes while playing.
If you're storing each tile as an individual GameObject, don't. Use a texture atlas and 'tile data' to generate the look of each chunk whenever it is dug into or a tile placed on it.
Also make sure to disable, potentially even delete any chunks not within the visible range of the player. Object pooling will help significantly here if you can work out the maximum number of chunks that will ever be needed at once, and just recycle chunks as they go off the screen.
There is a lot to talk about for the optimal generation, so I'm going to post this link ( It shows you how to do it in a 3D space, but the principales are essentially the same if not a little easier for 2D space. The following is just a rough outline of what might be involved, and going down this path will result in huge benefits, but will require a lot of work to get there. I've included all the benefits at the bottom of the answer.
Each tile can be made to be a simple struct with fields like int id
, vector2d texturePos
, bool visible
in it's simplest form. You can then store these tiles in a 2 dimensional array within each chunk, though to make them even more memory efficient you could store the texturePos
once elsewhere in the program and write a method to get a texturePos
by id
When you make changes to this 2 dimensional array which represents either the addition or removal of a tile, you update the chunk, which is the actual GameObject used to represent the tiles. By iterating over the tile data stored in the chunk, it will be possible to generate a mesh of vertices based on the position of each tile in the 2 dimensional array. If visible
is false, simply don't generate any vertices for it.
This mesh alone could be used as a collider, but won't look like anything. It will also be necessary to generate UV co-ords which happen to be the texturePos
. When Unity then displays the mesh, it will display specific points of the texture atlas as defined by the UV co-ords of the mesh.
This has the benefit of resulting in significantly fewer GameObjects, better texture batching for Unity, less memory usage, faster random access for any tile as it's not got any MonoBehaviour overhead, and a genuine plethora of additional benefits.