I'm using JDBC data in a webapp using Google Script. It pulls data from a db, then displays it in html. I thought using Utilities.formatDate to convert jdbc result dates into formatted strings would work.
In my Code.gs file, I'm using:
var e_result = SQLstatement.executeQuery("select * from events...");
var resultsArray = [];
while(e_result.next()) {
resultsArray.push({'start_dte': Utilities.formatDate(new Date(e_result.getString('start_dte')), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "MMM dd")});
// test formatDate
Logger.log("pre format date="+e_result.getString('start_dte'));
Logger.log("post format date="+Utilities.formatDate(new Date(e_result.getString('start_dte')), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "MMM dd"));
This outputs into Logger:
[15-08-21 04:32:50:580 PDT] pre format date=2015-07-23 00:00:00.0
[15-08-21 04:32:50:581 PDT] post format date=Dec 31
The pre format date is the correct one found in the db. But formatDate code isn't giving the same date string.
I've used "GMT-08:00" with exact same results as the "post format date" above (thinking it was a timezone issue). What am I missing??
The reason why post format date is being returned as Dec 31 is because if a wrong date or a date in the wrong format is passed to the Date()
function it returns the value of Wed Dec 31 1969 00:00:00
. Your 'start_dte' value needs to be in a particular format to be passed to the Date() function so that it can be parsed correctly and hence be put in your desired format. Below is a small sample to make this more clear:
function testDate(){
var start = "Aug 7 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100";
var testDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(start), "GMT-08:00", "MMM-dd-yyyy");
[15-08-21 12:46:20:285 PDT] Aug-06-2015
The start
could also be just Aug 7 2015 00:00:00
and it will work. However, whenever a value in a format that the Date()
function does not expect is passed, it return the value of Dec 31 1969