I want to install a Linux machine (preferably Red Hat) with a Desktop Environment (lets say Xcfe, but it could be another one) via Brooklyn (with jClouds).
In the same way that in Apache Brooklyn there is a VanillaWindowsProcess which installs a Windows machine which it is accessible via Remote Desktop, I want to do it something similar (with VanillaSoftwareProcess) but for Linux.
Is there something to add to the Blueprint or should I do it programmatically? I mean, execute a blueprint with a wrapper of the VanillaSoftwareProcess which after the installation, launches the commands to install the desktop.environment.
As far as I know, there is no blueprint which does that yet.
But as you said, you can achieve this by using a VanillaSoftwareProcess entity, like so:
name: RHEL with desktop GUI
region: <your-region>
identity: <your-identity>
credential: <your-credential>
osFamily: RHEL
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.software.base.VanillaSoftwareProcess
install.command: |
# Command to install you desktop GUI here...
launch.command: |
# Command to launch your desktop GUI here...