I'm attempting to select a drop down menu, so that I can select a Courier Service using Microsoft UI Automation.
Below is the code in which I'm using
public void SelectCourierService(string courierService)
Console.WriteLine(@"SelectCourierService(" + courierService + @")");
var expandCollapsePattern = (ExpandCollapsePattern)_courierServiceCombo.GetCurrentPattern(ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.Pattern);
var listItem = _courierServiceCombo.FindFirst(TreeScope.Subtree, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, courierService));
listItem = AutomationElementHelper.GetSubtree(_courierServiceCombo, courierService);
object selectionItemPattern;
if (listItem.TryGetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, out selectionItemPattern))
var selectPattern = (SelectionItemPattern)selectionItemPattern;
However when it gets to the following piece of code:- expandCollapsePattern.Expand();
The UI drop down menu expands down but then collapses back up meaning that I cannot select the items in the drop down.
I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem and what they did to solve this.
One of my work collegues found an answer to this solution and I have placed it below and this worked for me:-
public static void SelectDropdownItem(AutomationElement dropdownBox, string itemToSelect, bool navigateToParent = true)
var expandCollapsePattern = (ExpandCollapsePattern)dropdownBox.GetCurrentPattern(ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.Pattern);
var listItem = dropdownBox.FindFirst(TreeScope.Subtree, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, itemToSelect));
if (navigateToParent)
var controlViewWalker = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker;
listItem = controlViewWalker.GetParent(listItem);
object selectionItemPattern;
if (listItem.TryGetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, out selectionItemPattern))
var selectPattern = (SelectionItemPattern)selectionItemPattern;