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Creating a new Location object in javascript

Is it possible to create a new Location object in javascript? I have a url as a string and I would like to leverage what javascript already provides to gain access to the different parts of it.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about (I know this doesn't work):

var url = new window.location("");
var protocol = url.protocol;
var hash = url.hash;
// etc etc

Is anything like this possible or would I essentially have to create this object myself?


  • Well, you could use an anchor element to extract the url parts, for example:

    var url = document.createElement('a');
    url.href = "";
    var protocol = url.protocol;
    var hash = url.hash;
    alert('protocol: ' + protocol);
    alert('hash: ' + hash);

    It works on all modern browsers and even on IE 5.5+.

    Check an example here.